Gender-Inclusive Housing

Residence Life

The Office of Residence Life is committed to fostering a living community that values diversity, promotes the dignity of all people, and is welcoming, safe and inclusive. To honor this commitment, we offer gender-inclusive housing for all resident students.

Gender-inclusive housing is a housing option in which two or more students share the common areas of a multiple-occupancy apartment, suite or residence hall room regardless of their sex assigned at birth, gender, gender identity or gender expression.

Gender-inclusive housing is available to any student who wishes to be housed according to their gender identity. It is a living community that is welcoming, safe and inclusive.

Resident students who wish to be housed by their gender identity, including but not limited to:

  • Transgender students
  • Gender queer students
  • Students who are currently transitioning from one gender to another 
  • Students who do not conform to assigned gender at birth
  • Students who do not wish to be identified by any sex or gender identity
  • Students who are in the process of discovering their gender identity
  • Students who identify as allies and respect people with the above identities and lived experiences

Students can select their own roommate(s). If you are unable to identify a roommate, Residence Life will match you with a roommate(s) during the assignment process.

Gender-inclusive housing and all on-campus housing options are not intended for romantic relationships, couples or partners. Residence Life discourages students of any sexual orientation or gender who are in a relationship from living together in a residence hall room or housing unit. Students do not have to disclose their reasons for requesting gender-inclusive housing.

First-year students: Walgreen Hall

Sophomores: William Watts Sherman House

Juniors and seniors: Fairlawn Apartments


To foster a welcoming, safe and inclusive living experience, residents are encouraged to observe the following community standards and specifications:

  • Model behavior that reflects a positive value and respect for all identities, including but not limited to gender identity, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity and religion.
  • Work to create and promote a safe, affirming and inclusive community for all students.
  • Use inclusive and socially just language and the preferred names and gender pronouns of community members.

Housing assignments are for one academic year and students will need to reapply each year. Students living in gender-inclusive housing may share a room with students of any gender, gender identity or gender expression.

For questions about gender-inclusive housing, please contact Jim Mournighan, director of residence life, at (401) 341-2200 or